Inner Stillness – Guided Meditation
$1.99Guided Relaxation Meditation Track.
Guided Relaxation Meditation Track.
Stainless Steele Neti Pot for gently cleansing the nasal passages.
This experiential book introduces readers to practices that cultivate awareness and inspire the realization of the fully actualized human potential.
Prepare to leave behind what you once were and step into the vision of who you are to be.
Swami Rama pulls back the veil on this, one of the most fundamental texts of Yoga, with his commentary of the Bhagavad Gita.
Once again, the Himalayan tradition brings light to the application of the principles in the Bhagavad Gita from book to life.
A must for any serious student.
From Pandit Rajmani Tigunait’s first elucidation on what the practice of Yoga is (Sutra 2:1) to the final appendix on the seven primary pranayamas, this text is an incredible guide for aspirants, practitioners and students alike. Accessible and applicable as well as a deep wellspring of history, tradition and philosophy.
This translation by my teacher is a seminal text on the practical application and embodiment of the Yoga Sutras in our life!
The Zendo (Non-vocal) (31:20) Is a non-vocal track that allows the listener to set a specific intention and time frame for their meditative practice.