A recent study from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Chapaign highlighted the impact of cardiovascular exercise on our gut microbiome.
This study found that simple cardiovascular exercise consisting of 30 minutes of walking or cycling (and no change in diet), induced compositional and functional changes in the gut microbiome.
These changes included an increase in specific microbes responsible for:
- Reducing inflammation
- Preventing insulin resistance
- and boosting matabolism]
Interestingly (though not surprising), these benefits dissipated after six weeks of inactivity.
This underscores the importance of a continued, dedicated sadhana!
Yoga and agni sara have the ability to strengthen, stabilize and ignite our gut microbiome. By adopting a consistent, progressive practice over a long period of time (read sadhana), we strengthen our gut, increase our prana and nurture our gut microbiome.
Read more about the study here in the New York Times article.
Check out the study from the University of Illinois here.